Need Role Models or Mentoring? Watch our "Virtual Mentor" videos! Women are making news every day and NewsonWomen reports it! is proud to announce that it now has more than 6,000 women in its Women's Search Engine which is free and easily searchable by name or job category. Women in business, education, science, art, philanthropy and government make up the only database of its kind available on the web at no cost. You can search by individual, by company name, or by job type like CEO, or career choice like marketing. The data has been gathered over the past five years as we have watched women move up the corporate ladder, start up their own ventures, be put on a Board of Directors, be elected to or appointed to Government positions, and advance in education, science and art. I'm sure there are thousands more who deserve to be in the database, so send us your news so we can build the most complete search engine for women's achievements available!
Alice Krause, Founder of, and Winner of the 2009 Stevie Award for "Blog of the Year", is serving as a Judge for the 2010 Awards and was interviewed by the Stevies this week. Here is a sample of the Q&A:
What item of news recently caught your eye and why?
This year, Forbes expanded its list of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women to include women in media, politics, and pop with Michelle Obama at number one. Fortune’s 50 Most Powerful Women has remained more business-oriented with Indra Nooyi, the chairman & CEO of Pepsico, at number one. As I wrote in a recent blog, Forbes seems to have redefined how it sees power, deciding it's less about corporate and political power and more about influencing the world's agenda—hence the appearance of Beyoncé and Lady Gaga. Is power about delivering shareholder value, delivering votes, or having an impact on fashion and pop culture? I think power is all about the numbers—the number of women I write about everyday (5,000 since I started) who are getting great jobs, starting great businesses, running great nonprofits and universities, and achieving great heights in the world of sports. Why limit power to "100"? I think power lies in the masses.....
If you could choose another profession, what would it be?
If I had the time, influence, and connections I’d like to be a film producer in order to portray women in film. Some 70 % of the speaking roles in films today go to men. The actor Geena Davis has founded her own institution that aims to give women more film roles and to create better role models for women. I love sports films, which are inspirational, but there are very few involving women. Dolly Madison (wife of the fourth U.S. President James Madison) would also be an interesting subject.
What quality or qualities do you most value in your business associates?
A strong character, leadership, perseverance, and intelligence. People that can add value and get things done.
What do you think is the worst bad habit to have at work?
Procrastination. Missing deadlines or being late finishing projects slows down business. It is particularly crucial in the financial world where time is literally money.
As someone at the top of your profession, what keeps you inspired or makes you hit the ground running in the morning?
Love what you do. I love my work, particularly the feeling of contributing something. If you’ve been given the talent, you should use it.
News on Women is the place that puts women first! It's all about what women are doing. Run by Alice Krause (pictured), a former Executive of Chase Bank, it has been reporting on the achievements of women in business, in education, in science and technology, in philanthropy and in the arts since 2005. The past five years have shown women moving into major jobs in industry, starting their own entrepreneurial ventures in large numbers, and becoming heads of major universities and philanthropic institutions. In 2009 News on Women began including women in government, reporting on the formation of the new administration. 2009 was a banner year for News on Women, which won “Blog of the Year” at the 2009 Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Readers say News on Women is a "brilliant but simple idea", and that it makes them realize "women are getting somewhere"! Another reader proclaims "I check your page every morning. Love the site!"
News on Women was called an "increasingly popular online blog" by the Bay City Times. The article about describes the blog as "dedicated to helping women earn bigger jobs, place women on more corporate boards and help women entrepreneurs succeed in the business world." I'm all for that! Read the article on
ThinkTalk Networks CareerTV reviewed the website and called us "unmatched" and superb "when it comes to updating the world on what women professionals are doing". Read more on Thanks ThinkTalk! I love "Rosie the Blogger" on, courtesy Mike Licht, via Flickr's Creative Commons.
Laurel Delaney of "Escape From Corporate America" fame, featured NewsonWomen today, calling it the best blog in its category. Thanks!
CareerBuilder is a Diversity Partner of News on Women. CareerBuilder supplies the job listings for the News on Women's job page.
The Project for Excellence in Journalism has found in a new study of news reporting that women's opinions are more likely included in feature stories about children or celebrities than in news coverage of politics or foreign policy (nevermind business!) Newsday reports that according to this study women are quoted far less frequently than men. hopes to change all that!
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